Kodeco for Business

Migrate from UIKit to SwiftUI with Kodeco

SwiftUI is the future of UI creation in the iOS ecosystem. If you're still using UIKit, you're missing out on features that save your company time and money.


Is your dev team up for the challenge? If not, Kodeco for Business can help! Read on to learn how, or fill out the form for a free demo and trial!

SwiftUI is the future. Are you ready for it?

If your team still relies on UIKit, now is the perfect time to make the transition.

At Kodeco for Business, we specialize in guiding companies through this crucial migration. Our expert-led training and tailored support ensure a seamless transition, empowering your team to leverage the full potential of SwiftUI, including: 

  • Faster time to market.
  • Happier, more engaged users.
  • Increased longevity for your apps.

Ready to take your app development to the next level?
UIKit to SwiftUI (640 x 360 px)

How Kodeco for Business can help


Kodeco for Business is perfectly positioned to help your business take advantage of SwiftUI's benefits. We have experienced instructors ready to help your team learn what they need to know for a seamless transition. You have three options in how to upscale your team:


• Your developers can use our world-class training materials to learn how to upgrade to SwiftUI. We can help you create targeted learning paths so your devs learn exactly what they need to know.

• Your team can join one of our live bootcamps or self-paced certificate programs to get up-to-speed on SwiftUI quickly.

• Opt for our premium offering of a fully customized bootcamp tailored to your team’s specific needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient migration to SwiftUI.


Want to learn more? Let's talk! Sign up for an intro call and we'll walk you through how Kodeco can help your team transition, come up with a plan that's right for your business, and give you a free trial to test out our learning materials for yourself. All with no pressure and no obligation.

Top Reasons to Migrate From UIKit to SwiftUI

Not sure why it's so important to upskill your mobile devs? Here are 8 Reasons for Your Business to Start Using SwiftUI!


What makes Kodeco for Business different?

By Devs, for Devs

Our materials are created by top developers in the industry. Every resource addresses the real-world challenges devs face in the field.

Proven Expertise

Kodeco has over 14 years of experience helping devs level up their careers. And we have specific expertise in facilitating a smooth transition from Xamarin.

Engaging Learning Methods

Kodeco stands out from typical documentation with engaging content designed to make learning more effective.

Business-Oriented Approach

Kodeco for Business is designed with organizational needs in mind, focusing on ROI, team skill enhancement, and alignment with business goals.

Consistent Updates

Kodeco’s learning materials are regularly updated to keep up with changes in technology.

Community & Support

Our thriving community offers peer support, networking opportunities, and shared learning experiences.

Benefits of Kodeco for Business

Features Personal Kodeco for Business

Download project files and resources

Access development cookbooks

Access all articles

Current versions of our courses and books

Foundational and intermediate learning paths

All reference versions of courses & books

Simplified billing

Team analytics

Single sign-on

Customizable learning paths

Team assessments

Ready to transition from UIKit?

Reach out for next steps with Kodeco for Business


Keep your team on the cutting edge of the industry, while you keep your training costs under control.

With complete and unlimited access to multimodal courses on a variety of topics plus over 10,000 tutorials designed just for mobile developers, there’s never been a better time to grow and train your teams.

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us.

Does Kodeco for Business offer flexible payment options?

We recognize that companies come in different sizes and have unique budget considerations, and are dedicated to accommodating a wide range of financial needs. 

We provide monthly or annual payment plans, and longer-term contracts are also available with even greater savings.

How can we measure the ROI on our training investment?

We provide easy-to-access tracking metrics such as content consumption, hours of learning, course completions, and progress through exercises, which helps identify areas where team members are actively improving their skills.

This results in a more engaged, efficient, and effective mobile dev team. Your company will see cost savings in terms of less turnover, easier promotion from within, and in apps that attract users, perform, and monetize better.

How can we be sure our developers will actually use the program?

We use scientifically-backed educational theory to make our learning content engaging, encouraging developers to use it. We also provide tools like customized bookmarks, highlighting, notes, and user interfaces to make learning easier.

We also provide helpful reminders to encourage consistent engagement, ensuring that learning remains a part of their regular routine.

For managers, we offer notifications when team members access and complete courses, making it easy to provide support when needed.

Additionally, our Developer Career Roadmap feature outlines career paths, helping developers visualize their learning goals and understand how their growth aligns with company objectives.

By leveraging these features, your development team can actively engage with the Kodeco program, driving skill enhancement and tangible benefits for both individuals and the organization.

What are the benefits of switching from UIKit to SwiftUI

Switching from UIKit to SwiftUI brings a lot of perks for your company. SwiftUI’s simpler, declarative syntax and live previews mean you can develop and iterate much faster, getting your product to market quicker.

SwiftUI also lets you create dynamic, modern interfaces with smooth animations, which really boosts the user experience. Plus, by adopting SwiftUI, your apps will be ready for future iOS updates, so you're future-proofing your investment.

With SwiftUI’s easier state management and cleaner code, your developers can work more efficiently. This can lead to lower long-term development and maintenance costs, which is always a bonus.

Using the latest tech like SwiftUI also makes your company more attractive to top developer talent who want to work with cutting-edge frameworks.

Overall, making the switch to SwiftUI helps your business stay competitive, keeps users happy, and streamlines your development process.

What kind of training does Kodeco offer for teams new to SwiftUI?

At Kodeco, we’ve got your back when it comes to transitioning to SwiftUI. Our comprehensive training is tailor-made for teams, whether you're just starting out or looking to master advanced techniques.

We offer a range of courses that fit your needs, from foundational skills for beginners to advanced tips for seasoned pros. Our programs are super flexible, so your team can learn at their own pace online or join instructor-led sessions.

But we don’t stop there. We also run hands-on bootcamps and provide real-world project experiences to make sure your team not only gets the theory but can put it into practice effectively.

With Kodeco’s training, your team will be ready to tackle SwiftUI with confidence and efficiency.

Is Kodeco for Business easy to use?

Kodeco offers a user-friendly platform for both learners and managers, with easy onboarding, one-stop billing, and streamlined seat assignments.

Customizable learning paths, an intuitive dashboard, and a variety of study formats ensure an efficient and engaging learning experience.

Our extensive content library, advanced search tools, and active community further support effective learning and problem-solving.